A new study has shown that Biontech/Pfizer’s Corona vaccine also protects against Corona variant Delta (formerly Indian variant).
The vaccine from German company Biontech and its U.S. partner Pfizer also protects against Corona variant Delta (B.1.617.2), which first appeared in India, according to a new study. The vaccine also protects against several other variants, such as the B.1.525 mutant that first appeared in Nigeria, write scientists led by Pei Yong Shi of the University of Texas at Galveston in the journal Nature.
Researchers test reaction to different Corona variants
For the study, the researchers examined 20 blood samples from 15 people who had each received two doses of the vaccine from Biontech/Pfizer and tested the reaction to the different Corona variants. While antibody efficacy was lower for the variants than for a type of coronavirus isolated in January 2020, it was still “robust,” they said. Previous studies and data collection had yielded similar results.
— sources: APA and vienna.at/picture: pixabay.com
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